Local Event
Sponsorship Application

Event must take place in fiscal year 2025/2026 (October 1, 2025, to September 30, 2026) and be open to the public.
The deadline to submit application is March 3, 2025.

Before beginning your application, please review:
Event Sponsorship Application: You will need to submit the official application through the website.

Please have the following documents & information ready:
– Copy of event license (if any)
– Copy of event permit (if any)
– Copy of event insurance (if any)
– Copy of liability insurance
– Prior Year Final Budget
– Prior Year Event Sponsorship
– Anticipated budget, including detailed expenses and revenue

Next steps after submission:
Agency Request Form: Required as part of the deadline on March 3rd. You will receive this after your application has been submitted and reviewed.
Event Sponsorship Funding Payment Request: Must be completed AFTER the event to receive reimbursement.

To receive funds, you must present these items to the TDC by the end of the fiscal year.

Begin Application